

Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things or objects that are poles apart from each other but have some characteristics common between them. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristic.

A Mighty Seed by Raymond Foss

Hidden in the small kernel,
the collection of a few cells,
the whole of a tree, a mighty shrub,
a home for birds, or more
a metaphor of faith, of hope, of life
growing within us
within each beating heart
potential to be so much more
than our beginnings, vulnerable,
mute, small, babies
in time, with love, care, nurture
as with the seed, with water, soil, sunlight
a chance to be so much more
than the seedling at the birth
the birthing from soil or womb
to stand tall and move mountains
to walk humbly and serve our neighbor
to be sheep and shepherd
to herald His message,
our good, good news
A mighty seed indeed
within each one of us

I chose this picture to represent this poem because it says we are like seeds, if we are nurtured, we will continue to grow.

Raymond A. Foss (1960) was born in Westfield, MA, the oldest of five children. After moving to Claremont, NH at 16, he attended the University of New Hampshire, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in 1982 and a Master of Public Administration in 1984. He graduated from Franklin Pierce Law Center in 2004. He started writing poetry while serving on the Barrington, NH School Board in 2000. His first reading was for an assignment from the Reading Specialist to each board member to bring a piece of poetry to share at the April 20, 2000 School Board meeting in honor of National Poetry Month. When one of his first two poems received a favorable reaction, he began to write poetry more regularly. He created the site Poetry Where You Live in February 2004. There are now over 13,356 of his poems and 901 of his photographs on that site. When not writing poetry, he spends his time trying to be the best Christian, husband and father to three wonderful daughters he can be.

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